Covid treatment facility

A separate wing with 35 beds has been reserved for Covid patients. We have an excellent set up of COVID HDU ward with central oxygen supply and oxygen concentrator.

Diagnosis & Investigation

Comprehensive medical care is given through extensive range of Laboratory facilities with Modern Technology and state-of-the-art architecture.

Medical Treatment & Surgical

Our Highly Qualified Doctors make sure that each and every patient gets the right treatment starting from the basic medicinal requirements to complicated surgeries.

Deccan Medical Centre

A Multi Speciality Hospital

Our Core Value

D – Dedication E– Efforts C – Commitment C - Co-operation A – Accuracy N - Navigate

Our Vision

Our Vision is to provide patient centered healthcare with excellence in quality, care and service.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to work continuously towards a sustainable medical care and to further improve clinical outcomes for patient safety & patient satisfaction.

Quality Policy

We at Deccan Medical Centre are committed to meet every aspect of customer requirement with excellence to meet Quality Care.

Meet Our Specialists

Deccan Medical Centre carries the pride for its enviable on board team of medical professionals including more than 30 visiting consultants

Dr. Ramesh Doddanavar

General Medicine

Dr. Savitri R Doddanavr

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Santoshkumar Karmasi


Dr. Ramesh Tejjanavar


Dr. Akshay Gokak

General Surgery

Dr. Kiran Marathe


Dr. Vidyanand Makhani


Dr. Ajeet Hundekar


Dr. Gururaj Udchankar

Chest Physician

Dr. Jagdish Patil


Dr. Sneha Mungurwadi


Dr. Chaitainya Khemalapure


Dr. Anand Totagi


Dr. Shivani Angolkar


Dr. Arun Maliger


Dr. Anil Mahajan


Dr. Shirish Wagale


Dr. Swapnil Mahajan


Dr. Basavaraj Nanjannavar


Dr. Rasika Pandit


Dr. Pratap P Budhiya

General Medicine

Dr. Suryakanth Betageri

General Medicine

Dr. Vibhay Manjrekar

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. S. M. Tendulkar

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Daneshwari Umadi



Medical Care 24/7

With access to 24 hour emergency assistance, It’s so important you can continue to help others.

Gallery of Deccan Medical Centre

Waiting Lobby

Deccan Medical Centre


Operation Theatre

Deluxe Room


With access to

24 Hour



Our highly qualified and experienced staff is 24/7 ready to deal with any kind medical emergency. With access to our 24/7 emergency assistance, you can continue to help others.

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Tendulkar","isDisabled":false},{"label":"Dr. Santoshkumar Karmasi","value":"Dr. Santoshkumar Karmasi","isDisabled":false},{"label":"Dr. Ramesh Tejjanavar","value":"Dr. Ramesh Tejjanavar","isDisabled":false},{"label":"Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar","value":"Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar","isDisabled":false},{"label":"Dr. Akshay Gokak","value":"Dr. Akshay Gokak","isDisabled":false},{"label":"Dr. M. N. Patil","value":"Dr. M. N. 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News & Blog

We believe that educating every single human being towards health builds a healthy world, hence we conduct awareness programs, health campaigns. Go through our blog for updates and news articles


We had 2nd dose of vaccination today at Deccan medical center.We found a smooth and planned procedure there....each and everyone was attended well.Best wishes to management.

Prabhakar Kulkarni Senio Citizen

A very good hospital the patient treatment was swift and quick plus my grandmother treatment was insurance covered they worked on that too. Especially Mr. Santosh Kamble sir (admin) helped us a lot and Ms. Manisha too helped us Thankyou Deccan.

Vijaya Prabhu

Thank you for your great work and Support !we all need you🏥 not only now but always! Thank you so much, and I am sending my thoughts, prayers, strength, and hope on your way! ✨I hope you, coworkers, friends, and family are staying safe as well! Thanks a million for what you do!

Vinaya Kulkarni

One of the best hospitals in Belgaum. The staff are too helpful and special thanks to Dr. Ramesh Doddanavar & Dr. Savitri Doddanavar for operating and taking care of my family. I would recommend this hospital to everyone..!

Dundayya Suragimath

Good Hospital with well Qualified experienced Doctors for perfect diagnosis and treatment consultation. Hospital is with all modernized equipment's available under one roof.

Prasannajeet Sutar

Neat and clean hospital premises and helpful cooperative staff. Dr Ramesh takes personal care of the patient. Very satisfied.

Atik Desai

Very proffessional people, well maintained and clean, gave us our vaccine. Thanks to Ramesh and Savitri Doddannawar.

Uday Arakeri

One stop solution for all your medical services needs.

Alif Dodmani

Thanks for the medical support during my COVID-19 infection. Medical and non medical staff is truly supportive.

Vishal Khatavkar

It's very very fantastic hospital and well equipped, well staff, experienced doctors, nurses and giving very good service.

Pandit Marai